
For further resources or help on Mental Health, I wanted to share some useful contacts & information points for you to use. Please feel free to share any others with me that I do not have below; it would be great to build a glossary here.

Mind – U.K based mental health charity

Phone: 0300 123 3393

Mind is a charity dedicated to providing information & advice on Mental Health, working to eradicate the stigma around MH & campaign for improvements to Mental Health services within the U.K. Some very easy literature here on MH illnesses, drugs & treatments for MH, & how to access different services. 

Samaritans – U.K based mental health charity

Phone: 116 123

Online Chat:

Samaritans is a charity rich in history, with it’s thousands of volunteers providing immediate support for anyone who may feel suicidal, or suffering with their mental health. Samaritans provide a listening service, with an overall aim of lowering the number of lives lost to suicide. 

NHS Mental Health

The NHS website provides information & advice on a range of MH problems, from the psychiatric, to neurologically induced illnesses such as dementia. The NHS website also advises how to access their services for different mental illnesses. 

UK Council for Psychotherapy

A U.K based charity dedicated to promoting psychotherapy & psychotherapeutic counselling for the general public. There is a lot of information here about how to look for a therapist, & a directory allowing you to search for one in your area.  

Counselling Directory

A B-corp company again providing a directory of counsellors & therapists. There are useful guides here to assist you on a finding a therapist & the right kind of therapy dependant on your needs.